I don’t have a selfie of me in a gown today; that’s probably getting old. Radiation is pretty much the same; I avoided mooning anyone, which is good. No bowel exodus to speak of, appetite is normal (Shake Shack for lunch!) and no soreness or swelling.

Fun Fact: I now weigh more than I ever have in my life, give or take a few pounds.

* * *

I got the proofs of all my film back this afternoon, and I’m THRILLED. I sent five rolls off, one from the Rolleicord, two from the Yashica, and two from the Minolta 35mm.

The Rolleicord roll turned out to be ancient, and did not hold up well in the camera. Which is a shame because there are some beautiful shots of Finn in there, including this one:

That dates back to September 2011, when we were down in North Carolina with Mr. Scout.

The two Yashica rolls turned out better than I hoped, including these two shots:

These were metered by using my digital cameras to approximate the aperture and ISO settings. I could not be happier with these pictures, and I’m going to have them both blown up and printed.
We also got these shots from the family portrait session:

Looking carefully at the edges, there’s some circular distortion around the edges at wide aperture, which makes for an interesting bokeh effect in the leaves behind our heads. I don’t see it in the portraits at the top but it’s visible in these two. These bottom two were taken with the now-operational light meter, which means I’m on the right track.

Finally, the Minolta had some interesting shots, from years ago and the new:

The first one dates back to probably 2010 or so. The B/W shot is from our vacation this year.

Is shooting with film expensive, tricky, and slow? Yes. Is it rewarding? Hell yes.

Date posted: October 13, 2017 | Filed under cancer, flickr, photography | Leave a Comment »

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