Huh, I learn something new every day. Until this morning, I had no idea I could manually adjust the focus for each of my lenses in-camera.
Here’s an interesting guide to identifying The Best and Worst Projects for Increasing Your Home’s Return on Investment, via Lifehacker. Some of these are no-brainers and some are surprising.
HBO programming president Michael Lombardo confirmed to TVLine that he personally gave series creator David Milch the green light to resurrect the acclaimed yet painfully short-lived Western.
About cocksucking time.
So what are these “40 Unforgivable Plot Holes” and why is the Huffington Post ass-backward in their review? I blame it partly on the click-bait era. I also think that being a contrarian dick makes people feel intelligent. But those aren’t the reasons the review is horseshit. It’s horseshit because it really seems like the reviewer didn’t watch the movie at all.
This is an excellent takedown of both the criticism leveled at The Force Awakens and the click-baity way it was presented. I had my gripes with the film, but I think the author is spot-on in his rebuttal. (I didn’t link the original article because the important stuff is included).
This is unscientific, because the Idiot forgot to set the same ISO on each camera. So we’ll call this “Round 1”. What you’re seeing is two cameras with three lenses shooting on the same focus point. These images are unedited other than bumping up the D90’s exposure to match the D7000, but I’ll fix that in the next round. The first two lenses are manual and the third is a modern AI at the same focal length.
1. The sooner you’re comfortable dressing up the better.
2. If your friends aren’t surprised by one of your interests then you’re too predictable.
3. If you’re not already, become friends with a painter.
4. Know enough about wine that you’re comfortable speak to a sommelier.
5. If you can’t drive a stick shift you’ll regret it at the most inopportune time.
There are 55 more Unsolicited Thoughts for the Young Men of New York, and they’re universally good advice.
This is always interesting reading: Brand New’s Best Identities of 2015. Also check out the Worst Reviewed.
Funny. Finley pictures are a given. And I figured there’d be at least one Scout shot in there. But the cat picture was a surprise.