Hmmm. In light of Hurricane Sandy, I’ve been doing some more research on preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse. I’ve been working on this project slowly over the course of several months, but it’s taken a back burner while other things have come up. The other day, I found this list of emergency tools and gadgets for when the water starts rising. Some of these are pricey, but there are some good suggestions there.
Here’s a partial list of the stuff I’ve got already, and the stuff we still need (noted in bold).
- Waterproof container for supplies – I’m using a standard Rubbermaid tote bin
- Collapsible water jug (3 gallons)
- Camp shower–solar
- 8 gallon hard water container
- Purification tablets – Bleach will also do in a pinch
- Propane stove (4-burner, Coleman) – I found through camping experience this bungees neatly to the top of a standard Rubbermaid tote bin
- Propane campstove (1-burner) – mine is AWOL, but they are relatively inexpensive.
- Propane camp cylinders – I need about 4 of these
- Freeze-dried meals – I have 4 Mountain Home meals right now, but $40 for 10 is a much better deal compared to individual pricing at Wal-Mart.
- Matches and magnesium fire starter
- Headlamp – I have 1 right now, but I’d like to get three for all of us
- Dust Masks – great idea.
- Flashlights – currently these are in all of our cars and there are two in the house.
- First aid kit – ours is hopelessly out of date
- Backup documents – I started doing all of this, but there’s a lot of stuff to compile here
- Radio – the one listed in the article is beautiful and versatile. I think that’s the one we’ll go with.
- Wet Wipes
- Hand/Body Warmers
- Multitool – I’m asking for a Skeletool for Christmas, so I’ll drop my old Leatherman in the bin
- Solar charger – I like the one recommended in the article
- 2-way radios – Point taken. When the cellphones go down, these are the thing to have.
I know there’s more stuff in there that I’m forgetting, but it’ll have to wait until I’m in the basement and looking in the bin to complete the list.