I got in touch with the officer who arrested our burglar the other night, and he invited me down to the precinct house to pick up my iPod. It was in a shopping bag with a Garmin GPS, a bag of cookies, several women’s hats, a Burger King value card, an Independence card, and other assorted debris. He sorted it with gloves on his hands, and told me the guy had been spotted in my car by a neighbor, who called it in. In the time it took them to get over there he’d continued down Beechwood and hit two more cars before they put the bracelets on him. I’m named on the complaint because the witness had him in my car at the time she called, so I may be getting a summons to appear. Fine with me!


Teller is getting wheezier and wheezier, so I’m going to make an appointment to get him into the cat doctor soon (after this week’s mess has blown over). His last visit revealed enlargement around his heart, so I think they’re going to prescribe some medicine for him to bring the swelling down. Poor little guy. We’ve been letting him sleep with us for the past week, which is a big change for all of us. I can’t say I miss the baby gate at the top of the stairs, but if I start finding tufts of cat hair on my pillow it’s going right back up.

Date posted: October 25, 2012 | Filed under flickr, general | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to And Justice For All.

  1. Jason says:

    Love this pic and I love that Teller kitty. Hope he stays well. And glad to hear you burglar was caught. Was that the old black and white classic iPod you’re still rockin’?

  2. idiotking says:

    Yep, that was the old-time 3rd gen iPod I’ve had since about 2002 or so. The one we used at our wedding. It doesn’t hold a charge anymore, and it’s really finicky about what machines it hooks up to, but it still holds more music than my phone. As annoying as it is, I’m glad to have it back.