Our FIOS TV signal went out the other day after the storm and wouldn’t come back up. We had phone service, we had interwebs, we were even getting the program guide on our TV but the picture wouldn’t appear. So the Verizon guy comes out and replaces the box with two spares he had in his truck. No picture. Then he traced it down to the big FIOS unit in the basement and replaced that. Success!

While showing me how everything was set up, I explained how I was going to upgrade to the digital box so I could run an HDMI cable to the TV instead of the coax; he looked surprised and said, “You have an HDMI output on this box–it’s a newer model. Wanna hook it up?”

Two minutes later, he was showing me how to access all the HD channels via the shortcut on our remote. HOLY SHIT.

Date posted: July 5, 2012 | Filed under geek | Leave a Comment »

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