Please stand by. I’m updating the template behind the site to work better on mobile browsers. Hopefully this won’t take long.

Update: The site should be working pretty well for variable browser sizes; I still have to work out some styling issues with comment layouts, random page elements, and the footer. But it’s working. Check it out on your phone or resize the browser window to see what I’m talking about.

Update Update: Typekit fonts are adjusted, and there are a lot of little edits here and there. The footer is the biggest issue now. I’d like to have it resize more gracefully into something better, but I need to work on it more. I’m not sure I’m going to keep using this template, but I haven’t found a good alternative yet.

Date posted: June 29, 2012 | Filed under housekeeping | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to Response.

  1. Ren says:

    Looks great on both the iPhone and iPad.

  2. Linda says:

    Pretty font.