Finn and I slept about half the night on the guest bed after she woke from a nightmare. Waking this morning was made more difficult by the timechange and the fact that I’d stayed up reading the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. My two-second review: Not as good as the first one. This one had to do some catching up and then settled into a second act of boy A-vs-boy B angst. I stopped at the beginning of the third act, which is setting up for some ass-kicking. Bring on the ass-kicking.
Update: Sheesh. Not what I was hoping for. The main character goes from a motivated protagonist to an ineffectual, reactive observer. This book moved things along and set up the third book, but not in a logical, emotional, Empire Strikes Back way. Maybe the third book will wrap things up with more skill.
The weekend was filled with the completion of long-deferred home maintenance projects. Jen and I made a list and I knocked a bunch of them out after a trip to the Lowe’s and a minimal outlay of cash. Saturday evening we watched the original Let The Right One In, which was equal parts creepy and plodding.
Sunday we walked across the street to take in mass, and then continued working around the house. In the early afternoon I cut some access holes out of the TV mount and then pulled the top off the Scout for a ride over to look at a house with the in-laws. The verdict there was that it showed much better in the pictures than it did in person, and suffered from a lot of homeowner butchering. After some dinner and drinks we put the girl to bed and I transferred my latest batch of Chinook IPA into the secondary fermenter. The Dead Ringer keg is almost kicked, so there should be plenty of room to move it when it’s finished (another 3-4 weeks). The next beer in line is a saison, which is a pale French summer ale.
Mockingjay will rip your heart out.
LOVED ‘Let The Right One In’ movie as well as the book. The American version, ‘Let Me In’, is pretty wonderful too IMO. Maybe a little sadder/more poignant than the Swedish.
I just finished the third and it was not the series I was hoping for. I still enjoyed them, but the third book was completely not what I was expecting.
Yeah, I’m halfway through the third book and it’s a letdown. We’ll see if it gets any better.