Bay bridge by sunset

A busy weekend is behind us; we spent Saturday out in Easton with the Morris clan, eating delicious food and hiking through a nature preserve. Finn missed her nap on the way over (we left from her dance class) and crashed about mid-afternoon, which meant I carried her for most of the hike. The trees were in full color, and the entire trip was bathed with golds, yellows, and greens just beginning to turn.

Back at the homestead, we finally took a saw to the holly tree in the front yard, trimming the bottom 5′ back to the trunk; it’s amazing how much it opens up the front yard. I hauled brush, mowed the lawn, painted a cabinet, fixed the upstairs sink, and tore the passenger-side exhaust down on the Scout to find I need a new gasket above the heat riser; I think I’m going support my Light Line dealers and wrap that purchase in with new shop manuals.

I also tried the IPA on Saturday evening, and I’m very, very pleased with the results. It’s rich, full-flavored, and has no trace of caramel or molasses undertones. I brought some next door to the neighbors’ for the Sunday evening football game, and he agreed with me. I’m hoping this will be the motivation he needs to buy supplies to brew himself.

The big honkin’ HP LaserJet is now installed and running at work; after cracking it open, cleaning off the transfer drum and installing new cartridges the other day, it’s printing much, much cleaner and seems to be happier. I have to haul the Phaser back to the house and set it up somewhere quiet, but I’m not looking forward to humping it up the stairs.

Date posted: November 7, 2011 | Filed under brewing, flickr, house | Leave a Comment »

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