Saturday morning, we drove over a very foggy Bay Bridge to Easton to visit the Morrises and celebrate a first birthday. We all had an excellent time catching up and watching the kids play, and it was with sadness that we loaded up and headed home well beyond Finn’s naptime.


On Sunday, the house was filled with the sound of clomping boots as three talkative men began hanging drywall in the den. The majority of the ceiling is done, and they’re working their way around to the bathroom. I’m hoping that by the time I get home tonight everything will be hung and the first coat of tape and mud will be in place.

Drywall 1: looking out the back door

Drywall 2: toward the bathroom

I did some sleuthing and found a tile manufacturer who makes hexagonal tile with no bullnose (the tile is completely flat, like it would have been 100 years ago). Their closest distributor is down in Federal Hill, so I’m going to see what 30 sq. feet of it would cost. Jen is seeing beadboard in that bathroom, which would go very well with old-style tile. The big question will be whether 1″ or 2″ tile is the right size and scale for the space.

Date posted: February 7, 2011 | Filed under flickr, house, porch | Leave a Comment »

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