Thanks to Tim and Sue for having us over this afternoon for fun in the backyard! The morning started out being overcast and rainy, and we were worried their party would be cancelled, but as we got closer to their house, the clouds opened up and revealed blue sky. We changed Finn into her swimsuit and she happily spent the next four hours splashing, laughing, and having fun. There were other boys her age to play with, water balloons to throw around, bubbles to blow, and chips to snack on, which made her vibrate with joy.

Because she only got a half-hour nap in the car on the way up there (entirely Papa’s fault), she didn’t react well to the news that it was time to leave, but she sang songs to us quietly on the car ride home. After we got some dinner, I took her for a bike ride around the neighborhood, and we stopped at the playground across the street, where she giggled and laughed on the swing and raced me down the slide until it got dark.

Date posted: August 22, 2010 | Filed under finn, friends | Leave a Comment »

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