Hi little one. It’s been a while since I wrote you, but that’s because we’ve been working so hard to keep up with you. You’re sacked out on the couch next to my leg as I type this, wrapped in a huge warm fuzzy blanket like an Eskimo. Which is good, because it’s gotten cold around here. I think this family is going to make fleece outerwear a line item of its own on our tax returns this year under “Capital Investments”.


I’m going to jinx this whole fucking thing now by writing that your eating schedule has gotten a little easier on us; we’re feeding you a little more now, which seems to have the effect of knocking you out easier and for longer periods of time. Sadly, you’re currently suffering from constipation, which the books all tell us is normal; what Mama and I are fearing is the inevitable blowout that will occur after several days of storage. Good times, kid.

Update 11:30AM: You just pooped so much and so fast, your butt made a sonic boom. You then ate, burped, and passed out cold on my shoulder. We will need a dump truck to haul away this diaper.

Alien at the beach

Also, for the record: your mother and I would like it to be known that WE CHOSE THE NAME FIRST. Goddamn Presleys.

Canton Liquors

I’m still struggling to make a decision as to which pocket videocamera I should finally buy to take pictures of you; the contenders are still the Flip Mino and the Kodak Zi6. From all I’ve read and all I’ve seen, it comes down to two things: The Flip has the best low-light capability, and the Zi6 shoots HD. I’ve done a little sampling of the photos I’ve already taken around here, and most of them are shot in low light. However, I’m not going to be shooting indoors forever. The other considerations are that the Kodak needs an additional memory card to even be functional, and it comes with two rechargable AA batteries, while the Flip has an internal battery and no additional storage. I spent part of my weekend archiving and consolidating all of my digital photos from the last ten years, and upon overall reflection, I wish I’d been able to shoot higher resolution and been able to take advantage of RAW image processing earlier. So, in conclusion, I’m going to buy a Kodak and try it out to see the results for myself. Because, after all, you’re only going to be an infant once.

Date posted: October 20, 2008 | Filed under finn | Comments Off on Four Weeks Old.

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