We interrupt your regularly scheduled weblog for a day of floor sanding. More to come at 5.


Sanded floor 2


Door installed

Here’s a shot of the other side. That black line in the middle is where the original porch ended back in 1920-whatever, and where they just tacked a few pieces of wood in place to match up with the new addition. I have no idea what we’re going to do about that part yet.

Sanded floor 1

Date posted: August 19, 2008 | Filed under porch | 1 Comment »

One Response to Sand In My Shoe.

  1. auntie ren says:

    That’s what rugs are for. Rugs, and the word “character.” The gnome home has plenty of “character” in its floors, much of which is, um, preserved under rugs. Yessir. “Character.”