love that badge

There’s a guy near here who has a ’67 Barracuda with a 10-foot paint job (it looks great from 10 feet away or more) that I finally stopped to shoot pictures of. It was parked in such a way that good shots were hard to get, but I did my best for you, esteemed readers.

Date posted: July 11, 2008 | Filed under photography | 4 Comments »

4 Responses to Ooooooooooooh, Barracuda.

  1. Miss Lis says:

    Am waiting for a good shooting situation with a bananna yellow el camino that’s always parked in the lot at a nearby walgreens. closely parked SUV’s and background dumpster not ideal…well the dumpster i could work with but i can’t abide SUV’s.

  2. the idiot says:

    Yeah, setting is always key. I can’t count the amount of cars I’ve seen in less-than-picturesque settings, and I have to drive right by.

  3. molly says:

    I always understood a ten foot paint job to be one where it reflected at least ten feet in its surface. ( you can see every detail of the ice cream parlor you pulled up to in the paint’s reflection).

  4. the idiot says:

    Many of the eBay and other auctions I read will use this phrase to describe a less-than-perfect paint job, so I just assumed that was the proper usage. Maybe you’re right, Molly.