I’ve got a lot of the templates set up in my local copy of Movable Type, and now that I’ve been immersed in it for a week, it’s making a lot more sense. I guess it didn’t help me at first using a year-old book geared for the previous version, but between that and the internet I’ve figured out quite a bit of this on my own. Stay tuned…

In other geek news, I reformatted a spare drive, loaded OS9, put RAM, a battery, and the hard drive back in the busted iMac, plugged it in, and…watched as the screen went dim, the power shut off, and a wisp of ozone-laced smoke wafted out of the grillework. Looks like the flyback transformer finally barfed, rendering it useless. Not that I need it anyway, but I’m always up for a challenge.

There’s not much else to tell—between work and freelance, I haven’t had much time to sit still. Jen, however, cooked me a roast chicken in her dutch oven last night and got me to stay on the couch for almost the whole duration of CSI.

Date posted: March 11, 2005 | Filed under CMS, geek | Leave a Comment »

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