What was a bleary, semi-conscious but cheerful mood has turned ugly and black, courtesy of my work computer. I’m getting really tired of working on four-year-old technology, both here and at home. I’ve recently considered the possibility of a new laptop to replace the five-year-old Powerbook I’m on right now, but with our priority list remaining full and unchanging, I’ll probably have to put it off a while longer. And a Mini, while inexpensive and fast, is still out of my current price range. (It’s sad that over the years my target price range has dropped at the same rate as the street pricing of technology.) As for the work computer, I don’t know if my bitching (and kicking) has changed anybody’s priority levels either. Go to your happy place…

Saturday: HTML-> PHP-> library -> Photoshop-> lunch -> HomeSite-> dinner-> HomeSite-> beer-> posting-> sleep (3am.)

Sunday: HTML-> HomeSite-> posting-> duck, potatoes, chocolate-> Photoshop-> beer-> Illustrator-> HTML-> posting-> Illustrator-> tea-> Photoshop-> posting-> sleep (3:30am.)

Date posted: February 7, 2005 | Filed under geek, productivity | Leave a Comment »

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