After a long day of getting things done around the house, nothing could have been better last night than grilling a thick steak, steaming some corn and fresh beans, and cracking a bottle of red wine to share with our friend Sara, who we haven’t seen in a long time.

I spent most of a rainy Saturday consulting for some friends, who just bought a shiny TIBook and an Airport Express; unfortunately, the Apple-suggested alternative to 1st-gen Airport cards proved to be less than successful (the now-discontinued cards have recently spiked in price on the second-hand market) prompting another visit.

Sunday we took advantage of the sunshine and worked outside on the house. I got half of the atrium windows painted and prepped for storm windows; I also made a hole in the atrium wall in preparation for installing a security light over the driveway. This house is made like a tank: there’s ¾ sheathing on the inside of the walls and ¾ on the outside, which means the bolt that shipped with the light is too short, and the light isn’t installed. Meanwhile, our neighbors’ house was broken into Friday afternoon in broad daylight—a neighbor called the police and the burglar barely escaped—but an alarm system has bumped its way up to first place on the priority list, followed closely by glassblock windows in the basement.

Date posted: October 4, 2004 | Filed under friends, house | Leave a Comment »

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