Up until 1:30 freelancing last night, and back at work at 8:30am. I feel swell.
The second of two floor estimates came in last night—$2,600 for the whole first floor, stairs, and kickplates ($400 for the kickplates alone.) Ouch.
Jen’s comment from yesterday is true: we looked at our tomato plants on the back porch, and the single survivor of three original vegetables, which was forming beautifully, is gone. We don’t think it fell off—it’s gone, like somebody came and took it. Bastards. We’re going to have to rig up some kind of Stalag spotlights-and-barbed-wire arrangement when we plant our garden next year.
The new season of the Surreal Life, starring a New Kid On The Block, Flavor Flav, Brigitte Nielsen, Charo, and one of the guys from Full House, is a magnificent train wreck of a show, and we are hooked.