I made a monkey for Jen yesterday—more specifically, I made a monkey for Jen’s friend Jean-Paul and his wife Sharon, who are having a baby very, very soon. This is but one of the ideas she’s working on for an announcement, and I liked it so much I thought I might share it with you here. Because monkeys are cool, and monkeys with bows in their hair are that much cooler.

The weekend’s activities were productive, in direct opposition to last weekend. Saturday I did some onsite consulting for a friend of a friend, rebuilding an eMac and getting it ready for a migration. Sunday I got the rest of the front windows scraped and primed, then worked my way around the side to the doctor’s office and atrium windows. Sunday evening I put a bunch of hours in on the other consulting gig I’m working on, while watching the Star Wars special (AKA a 2-hour infomercial: Buy the DVD!) that was on cable last night.

Date posted: September 13, 2004 | Filed under art/design, house | Leave a Comment »

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