I woke up this morning with Teller the cat anxiously pawing my face for food and a splitting headache. I dozed through Jen’s shower and rose a half-hour late to make coffee, only to find she’d already done it. Two ibuprofen later, I was in a better state and paused to look at the week’s progress: one coat of primer in the linen closet, a working light, and the pipe access door mudded for sanding. The front windows are on their second coat of paint and looking for a final touch-up before I put the storm windows back and move on. Not bad for a week’s work.

Alien Pod. Since I brought my busted Airport Base Station back into work, I’ve had three different people enter the ubercle and say, “Whoa! What is that?!?” After I explain it to them, they nod approvingly and we continue our work-related issues. Single men, take note: walk your Base Station at the park this week; the chicks will stop and ask what it is, at which time you can strike up conversation and get a phone number. It’s as good as a puppy or a baby. Anyway, I decided not to order the repair kit from this “company”, as their “home page” is all broke-down and I get a suspicious vibe. I’m just going to hit Baynesville Electronics and pick up the capacitors I need on my own to repair it.

Date posted: September 2, 2004 | Filed under geek, house | Leave a Comment »

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