I posted my 100-disc CD changer on Craigslist this morning after several abortive attempts through the Pennysaver. (Lots of calls from sleepy-sounding methheads asking what color it is. Go away, freak-boy.) Selling this will hopefully finance some other minor electronic purchases that I’d like to make.
Question. Jen and I were talking last night about TV theme songs, and she brought up the album that got made back in the 90’s where rock stars remade a bunch of their favorite tunes. We then tried to think of the song we’d cover if our respective Imaginary Rock Bands hadn’t broken up (over creative differences, naturally.) She mentioned Electro-Woman and Dyno-Girl. I voted for the Fat Albert theme and the Underdog song, only to find they were both covered already. What TV theme would you cover if your IRB was still together?