As much as I would love one of these to drag around behind the Scout, the price is just a little steep for my blood. Also, check out this link: Mocoloco—yummy industrial design to warm the heart and empty the pocketbook.
Update: Jen called me on the way back from the printer to tell me the invitations came out looking pretty good. Even though she told the printer three times which direction to run the job on the paper, they still f’d up the RSVP card, but considering we’re getting the job run for free, we can deal with it.
This weekend we’re heading down to the L-P City to take in the Hollywood Volunteer Fireman’s Stuffed Ham & Oyster dinner (a peculiar southern Maryland delicacy which sounds gross but is actually delicious) and put in some face-time with Jen’s folks. Hopefully some more bridesmaid issues will be resolved and peace will reign over the land, but I’m going to be wearing my steel underpants just in case.
We’re also taking delivery of a used 400mhz G4 tower from our friend Jason, who has taken mercy on us with a generous payment schedule in light of our soon-to-be tight budget. I’m hopeful that Jen will find new employment quickly— it sounds like the local market is a lot busier than last summer, which was deader than Abe Lincoln.