Seems the prodigal Ford is repaired…well, it wasn’t even broke in the first place. The hose clamp on the radiator let go, and when that happened it vented coolant all over the engine. My mechanic says that this model Ford has an issue with adding coolant to the point where the engine is happy, and my continued overheating issues were due to that fact. Whatever it was, it’s hopefully fixed now.
Interesting. By chance, I checked out the Supon website today to see if they’ve updated it—they have. Looks like they must have been swallowed up by another firm, one with a craptacular website.
Not that I actually buy physical CD’s anymore, but if you happen to buy one published by the BMG Music Group, and you can’t seem to get past the copy protection to rip it to your hard drive, simply hold down the Shift key. Brilliant!
I Was Once Misinformed About Your Intentions. I may have let the cat out of the bag with Todd’s new blog, but I’m still happy to welcome him to the fold.
Today I’m reading with interest about Panther, the new upgrade to OSX. It looks like there’s a bunch of juicy new features throughout, and that will be great for future monkeying. I’m still waiting to get paid so’s I can buy a large drive for the iMac, and install Jaguar on that machine. I also need to find a cheap Firewire enclosure for Rob’s donated drive, which seems to have some issues with bad blocks at the beginning of the platter, making it unusable with OSX.
We didn’t get anything new done with the house last night, but I figure another quick hour with the cut-in brush, a good mop job, and a coat of white paint in the closet, and the cream room will be ready for Jen’s twin bed. Renie is coming down this weekend (we’re very excited about that), and we have a couple of jobs lined up for her to help us with:
- Painting the Anxious room white. I exchanged the
whitebrown paint for White Tint Base, which is actually white. Having two rooms painted will make a huge difference upstairs. - Painting three of the four walls in the Pink room. I may be able to pick up drywall today at the Home Despot and get that mudded in by Saturday. If so, that will be three rooms painted, which means we can tear up carpeting and make way for the floor sander.
- Planting bulbs. Since last year’s fall sales, Jen and I have bought about a zillion different bulbs of different colors, types, and sizes; starting with a box of 70 blue gladiolus bulbs I got at the Sam’s Club, we’ve added white tulips, pastel tulips, fuzzy white and red tulips, and crocuses. We’re going to have more bulbs in the ground than the country of Holland. That is, if the assorted chipmunks, squirrels, and other backyard creatures don’t dig them all up and have a kegger while we’re at work.
Depending on how productive I feel tonight, I may also try to build another fire for practice this evening. I’d love to be able to use that fireplace a lot this winter.