This is a quick report for Jen, cribbed from a report on the Macintouch site (quietly thanking myself for donating money to Ric- it just paid for itself) about justifying Macs in a creative development environment. Some of the data is skewed towards OS9, and some of it is skewed towards the computer lab environment, but it’s all pretty good information. Her employer has her designing for print on the PC, which is about as comfortable (to me) as repeatedly jamming a stick in my eye. Anybody else have suggestions?

Bar-B-Q this weekend!

I bought some overpriced firewood at the Safeway last night to build a fire: $4 for a bag of “kiln dried” logs, which is roughly a dollar a log. Years of building fires at places like Assateague, Cub Scout camp, and various keg parties should have taught me how to construct a satisfactory blaze, but I was stymied by a pair of logs that refused to do anything but smolder. We’ll try again tonight.

The house seems to heat up well with the furnace on; the piping works very well throughout with the exception of the kitchen radiator, which seems to be on vacation. I walked through and closed all the storm windows the other night and that seemed to make a big difference in cutting the chill back. At some point I’m going to have to pull some of the plaster off the outside walls to see how much insulation (if any) there is. We also put the first coat of finish paint on the walls of the Sticky room, and when we got done we realized that we hadn’t sanded enough of the wallpaper sizing off. This morning I took the random orbital and sanded about half the paint back off to knock the texture down. I think it looks pretty good (alright, it looks like crap, but I see the possibilities.)

Thanks to Kristen for sending the Virgin Suicides soundtrack in with Nate.

Date posted: October 3, 2003 | Filed under friends, geek, house | Leave a Comment »

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