I finished the ceiling, and put a coat of semi-gloss white on the trim in the sticky cream bedroom. Covering over the varnish/oil paint/nicotine/Kilz is slow going, but we can see progress already. Not satisfied with that, I cut the ancient all-weather carpeting into quarters and tore that out; underneath was some highly flammable fiber-based padding that was left over from the Civil War. After inhaling several centuries worth of the dust of the Pharoahs trying to get all this crap into a couple of Hefty bags, I pulled the carpeting strips out and we swept up the dirt. The floor is pretty beat up but still in decent shape. There are a few spots where the floor took a beating from the bedframes, and a square by the radiator where someone cut the flooring to repair the pipes. Overall, the room looks warmer and (to me) larger in the sunlight. I’ll post some pictures tomorrow.

My Mom has been reading my log for the past few weeks, and her main comment is that I complain a lot. My apologies, mom; I’ll try not to bitch about everything so much.

In the meantime, I took pictures of the heater, thermostat and irrigation systems in the greenhouse this morning so that I could research the builders and figure out of they’re still in business, but I forgot the PCMCIA carrier at home. So, no photos of the party until tonight. Sorry, everyone. I did bust out the white trim paint and put a first coat on about 30% of the south window in the sticky cream bedroom this morning, and it looks pretty good so far. I have to return the 5-gallon drum of ‘white’ paint I bought a month ago, because ‘white’ actually means ‘sort of beige’ to Glidden, apparently. I have to look for ‘super-ultra-bright-gleaming-ivory white’ or some such crap like that. And try to get my money back for an open drum of paint- ha ha.

Oops, sorry, I was complaining.

Date posted: October 6, 2003 | Filed under family, house | Leave a Comment »

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