Mike Lee writes a pretty good roundup of the reasons he’s going to sign up for TypePad’s new service. I too have been longing for some updates and enhancements to my log, which currently is powered by nothing other than BBedit and Samba. I’d like to add some basic functionality to the site, like a search feature, an automatic calendar, RSS feed, etc; in the long-term, I’d love to be able to simply edit from a browser and not be dependent on my Powerbook here to update. Plus, the new templates feature will essentially kick me into learning standards compliance and moving away from nested tables.
Additionally, Jen and I are slowly getting our wedding plans together, and instead of having all our stuff in two places, I’d love to be able to have multiple weblogs- one for the wedding stuff, and one for the house stuff. It would also be great to have guests (e.g. Jen, my sister) drop by and add stuff to my log, or just simply add comments. Jeez, the photo album feature alone would sell me on the service.
I guess the most daunting task is going to be how to get three years of archives into the new format.