cayuga lake,  3.16

cayuga lake, 3.16

Jen sent me this link to a story on Shane McGowan, the toothy, drunken ex-frontman for the Pogues. It’s funny, I didn’t think he was still alive, but aparently this woman made a documentary about the band which will air on TV. God bless, Shane.

Continuing to do work on the camera front, I’ve narrowed the search down to the Canon model, and made recommendations to the company for the accessories. I’ve also been doing work researching solar recharging and power options for laptops, thinking that I may be visiting more than one overseas destination. There are several premade solutions, and they all hover around the $200 mark for panels, charge converter, inverter, and DC meter. There are also several sites which offer tips on building your own solution, which to me is a little riskier.

I also added a set of pictures from the weekend in the sidebar at left.

Date posted: March 17, 2003 | Filed under flickr, music | Leave a Comment »

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