I was able to get a lot of work done for the 9-5 and re-hang the bathroom door, so I’m feeling pretty good. I have more lumber to buy as well as some new drill bits to replace the missing ones, but the woodwork is shaping up. I can’t wait to be done, because the whole house is filled with dust.

Found via Macintouch this morning: A reader replaced his LCD with a $200 replacement from eBay. Good to know- this might be one of those sites I cache permanently for archive’s sake.

Oh, and: Dude needs some serious psychiatric evaluation. What a freakshow. Here’s the simple facts: If he was not a bazillionaire, somebody would have taken those kids away from him a long time ago. I feel so bad for them.

Date posted: February 7, 2003 | Filed under apple, entertainment | Leave a Comment »

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