Pitchfork gave a less-than-stellar review to The 100th Window, the new release from Massive Attack. I’m still going to buy it, but that’s a real bummer. I hope it’s better than they say.

I read an article in the New Yorker about the American intelligence community last night, and the writer brought up an interesting phenomena in examining the different events leading up to the present day: “…both intelligence analysts and policymakers assumed that the Indians would not test their nuclear weapons because Americans would not, in similar circumstances, test nuclear weapons. In the world of intelligence, this is known as mirror-imaging: the projection of American values and behavior onto America’s enemies and rivals.” One wonders how much of this behavior influences current US foreign policy, and how many missteps have been made because of it.

On a much brighter, funnier note, this is the best commercial I have seen in the last year. I want to vote Terry for President. Thank Jen for this link—she needed it after the day she’s having. “You need a cover on your TPS report, Richard!

Date posted: February 5, 2003 | Filed under music, politics | Leave a Comment »

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