city life building 2.11

city life building 2.11

I read last week that the old City Life building is being developed into a restaurant/nightclub venue. It was a crime to charge visitors $7 to see a thin display of local kitsch, but this will hopefully be a better use of a very beautiful space. Good luck, folks.

Jen and I have been working for the last few days on freelance work, and the stuff we have so far makes me very happy. I’m very excited to sink my teeth into this work, because I have a ton of ideas for the website and I think we can make really strong products for each client.

I will have to look into a product called Konfabulator, which is a sort of do-it-yourself widget maker for OSX, made by the guys who brought us Kaliedoscope (which I never used.) I have a few things I’d like to configure through AppleScript but I can’t seem to make the Script Editor record my actions anymore, either in Classic or in OSX. I used to have a series of scripts which would open the three main programs I use every day, and another to mount my remote web drive and publish my log page, and it made the day go by faster. I’d like to set that up again in OSX, but I don’t have the technology yet.

Ted Rall writes a very interesting (and very sobering) article about the cost of college, or more importantly, the cost of graduating, and the increasing gap between the folks who can afford it and those who can’t. Personally, I count myself lucky to have had parents who believed in me enough to send me to an art college. I don’t know exactly how much they paid to send me to school, but I know it wasn’t cheap, and I got off very lucky.

Date posted: February 11, 2003 | Filed under apple, Baltimore, flickr | Leave a Comment »

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