building2, 3dmax, 1.16

building2, 3dmax, 1.16

Looks like MightyGirl is out of a job. She is one of the better writers I’ve found online, so I hope she finds something good and fast.

Todd came by and dropped a book on my desk this morning: Baltimore: Then and Now, which is a pictoral history of the city in landscape format, where archive and historical photos of the city are updated with current pictures of the same location. A paragraph of text accompanies each photo, adding a wealth of historical information to each pair. Fascinating reading, and well executed. There are other books which cover the same territory (I remember a thicker book featuring a chapter on my old neighborhood and another on my current one) but this is a great view into some interesting features of the downtown skyline—the Bromo Seltzer Tower, the Hippodrome, and pre-1904 fire Pratt Street.

I’m currently listening to the Old 97’s Too Far To Care. Thank you again, Todd.

This afternoon I found a link off to a very interesting design brief from Matt based on his redesign of the BBC site. You can find it here.

Breakthrough. After a long, long time wandering the desert, I’ve found my way back. I’ve been constructing buildings for a game for the past month or so, and while the learning curve was steep, it’s getting very easy to work in this program. I can think of something I want to do and make it happen, which is a long way from my attempts last year (see the August 2001 log.) Slowly my skill increases, and I learn new things every day. I’m at the point now where I’ve exported three seperate building designs and composited one—and Pete has one set working (mostly) in the building editor. Thanks to all the folks who’ve helped me so far (and read this page). It feels good to be excited about work again.

Date posted: January 16, 2003 | Filed under art/design, Baltimore, music | Leave a Comment »

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