Tomorrow I’m meeting with my accountant/financial planner at the early morning hour of 9:00 to discuss how I’m going to be able to do all the things I want to do this year: Buy a house in the county, buy a ring for Jen, put more money into savings/IRA and afford a used car. Perhaps it’s serendipity then, that we’re getting paid for the first time in January tonight. My homework is to gather all my tax information, make a list of goals over the next five years, and tally my invoices to see what kind of a hit I’m taking on taxes this year. Pray for me, friends.

Hmm. Doing my daily weblog scan, I found a link, via Dominey, to a blog on AirPort, and from there a link testing the new 802.11G wireless standard (“AirPort Extreme” falls in this category.) Good info for the day when I get an iMac in the office and set it up as the base station/server for the house, so that Jen and I can work from any room without tripping over the cables. (I wired the whole house for Cat-5 two years ago, right before wireless took off.) With the promise of some incoming freelance money, this will become reality soon.

I also found a link to this service, offered thorugh OWC by Newer, to upgrade Pismo PowerBooks to a 500mhz G4. At some point this year, I think we will take advantage of the offer, as we own two Pismos and probably won’t be buying any new hardware this year.

Guilty Pleasure Dept.: Fametracker. Grab a beer, pull up a chair, and sink your teeth into this one. Great writing, and everything you want from a publication about celebrities but never get. *cough* InStyle *cough* *cough* People *cough*

Date posted: January 21, 2003 | Filed under apple, money | Leave a Comment »

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