I bought a Dayna EtherPrint off eBay this morning, in the hopes that I can get the amazing $7 printer working at Jen’s house this week. I also got the second half of the RAM for the LaserWriter 630, so that will be installed tonight.
We caught up with our friends Rob and Karean this weekend, inviting them over for a SuperBowl dinner and drinks. It was good to catch up with them both, because we’ve been playing phone tag since Christmas. They are bitten by the same bug we are right now—the pull to move out of the city is strong, and the recent tax hike is an even stronger incentive. With its dwindling population and shrinking tax base, the city government is putting the squeeze on folks like me—my assessment just doubled.
I spent the first part of this evening milling and installing new doorjambs in the kitchen/dining room with the new compound miter saw. Let me just say again, it is so much nicer to work with the right tools.