So I’ve been looking around at other online comics/novels/stories and I found this one, called Broken Saints, which apparently has been around for a while. It’s a long story with multiple parts to each chapter, and it seems to be meaty with dialogue. My criticisms are that I got bored pretty quickly with the format. They do a great job of setting up the story and providing sound effects and ambient music, but the word bubbles remove the layer of believability. The Flash work is nice, and some of it is slick, but the pace of the story is glacial and dull. I read fast, as I’m sure most of their target audience does, so I get tired of waiting around for the next text bubble. When it does come, it has the effect of making everything deep or dramatic. I had enough of that in High School (and I wrote a bunch of that in High School.) The other drawback to this approach is that he action is paced too slowly when it does come. I’m willing to entertain thoughts on this, if anybody has them.

No, I don’t have anything to show you yet, because I’m still working out the subtleties of dark scenes with scratchboard. But I’ll have something up soon, I promise.

Holy S%$*, this guy has a really nice site. And his work is first-rate as well. I suck.

Fortune Magazine says someone my age (31) should ideally have $100,000 stashed away for my retirement by now. It also says to maintain a current lifestyle of $100,000/yr, I need to save seven million dollars by the age of sixty-five. My current lifestyle is nowhere near that figure, and neither is my retirement fund.

Interesting Developments Dept.: Looks like there will be a fourth Mad Max movie after all. As an early fan of the series back in the 80’s, it’ll be interesting to see where George Miller takes the story now.

Date posted: December 10, 2002 | Filed under art/design, money | Leave a Comment »

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