Tonight Jen and I are braving the snow and people to begin Round 1 of Us vs. Christmas. We are journeying to the Columbia Mall to seek out interesting, insightful gifts for our loved ones.

Got any suggestions?

Looks like the roads are pretty clear out there, which is a Good Thing. We also got word today that one of our freelance gigs is swinging into gear—good news.

Outside the Port Discovery museum downtown, they have an exhibit featuring a large balloon tethered to a winch. During the summertime, I would drive to and from work watching the balloon rise and fall in the sunshine, filled, no doubt, with happy children enjoying a bird’s eye view of the city. Today on my way to work, by chance I pulled up behind my friend Todd, who pointed out a very limp and deflated balloon covered in snow, huddled over the cold ground outside the museum grounds.

Date posted: December 6, 2002 | Filed under Baltimore | Leave a Comment »

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