dock, 7.30

dock, 7.30

We have a busy busy weekend planned. Jen is having her birthday on Saturday (no, I’m not telling you how old she is) and I’m taking her out on Friday night; on Saturday her family comes into town and we go out again for dinner. Tonight we’re getting together with some folks from work for a postponed dinner. What a social schedule!

Never really having used Excel before, I approached it with a lot of caution and loathing. I plugged in the information I wanted to capture (freelance billing data) and looked through the helpfiles for a few minutes. When i figured out how to add one column and total it out, I found myself clapping like a 5-year old.

ALGX is sucking totally these last weeks; their nameservers keep dropping in and out, so none of the entries in my logfiles have resolved names. Grrr! Who are you? Where are you coming from? Where are you in the world?

Date posted: August 8, 2002 | Filed under flickr, geek, photography | Leave a Comment »

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