“The more I look at it, the more I don’t like it”, Erick said, when he described the Scout to me. I have to agree with him. I’ve seen much, much worse, but this is not the truck I want. The body mounts are bad, the second paint job is sloppy, all four quarters need replacement, and the rockers are totally shot. I didn’t get to talk directly to Erick about it, but I took a bunch of pictures and I’m going to send them to the lady today. We’re going to sit this one out.
Nate turned me on to a really good album, one that gives me a glimmer of hope for modern music: And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, Source Codes and Tags. Rock and roll. I can’t remember the last time I heard some contemporary music that I actually gave a crap about.
Speaking of music, the Trouser Press is online, with a pile of reviews of bands that I actually give a shit about. Some I don’t agree with, and some I laugh at, and some make me remember days gone by, when I liked 70% of the music I heard out there.
→ This is a syndicated post from my Scout weblog. More info here.