This is a real nice set of fonts by Susan Kare, the original designer of icons for the Macintosh. At some point, I will have to pick some of these up.
I set up online bill paying via Bank of America today; we’re going to see if I can pay a few of my non-essential bills (mostly phone and utility bills) with it for a month or two, and then if that is smooth I’ll switch the mortgage and insurance bills over as well. It’s good to see they finally made the service free (since May 1); seems to me they will save even more money in transaction costs if they make it free.
Jen called me today to giggle at the new Cidera site; somebody over there got hired on to make some kind of a Frankenstein monster out of the original 2000 design, some of the 1999 graphics I developed, and some of the old advertising materials. Wow.