Attempting to remain excited about my future career prospects today. I woke up this morning tired, and wandered around my house in a fog. Coffee cleared the cobwebs and I focused on the tasks at hand, but I couldn’t shake a sense of boredom and stagnation. I’m not getting a damn thing from my current job, and that has me very depressed right now.

I am getting a lot of freelance stuff in the pipeline, though, and if I can maintain my current pace I’ll be in good shape at the end of this summer. Right now I’m trying not to overload myself with too much stuff, but there’s two big projects which are very exciting that i want to tackle for different reasons. Kind of makes me wish this was last summer and not this summer- I would be able to segue smoothly into lucrative, exciting freelance work at a time when I was not working at all.

It’s interesting to read the log from last year and see where I was at this time- on the 11th of May last year, I was laid off. on the 22nd of May, I was talking about getting my website redesigned and running again, as well as illustration work going again. it’s bizarre in a way to see the difference a year makes.

Date posted: May 21, 2002 | Filed under art/design, history | Leave a Comment »

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