Seen today on a car driving up to work: a bumper sticker reading, “I was born OK the first time.” Ha-ha. This article is pretty funny about Miss Cleo. Call me now for your free readin’.

I missed the second PowerBook auction yesterday, but there’s one for a newer 400mhz Pismo ending tomorrow at about 3pm. I’m going to try for this one to see if I can win it, and I think I might go as high as about $650 or so. There’s also an iMac going for about $170 right now that ends at 3; it’s a first-generation, but it could be decent. I think I’m going to go as high as $250 and we’ll see if we win that one.

We had the Greycube meeting the other night and talked out what we’re doing/where stuff is right now; it looks like we might have a payout of $1-2K apiece, which would be fantastic at this time. If I could put that into the bank and then save on top of it, I would be a lot more comfortable right now instead of worrying so much about money. It’s been tough to save money the past two months after a run of spending cash since the Cidera days; wanting toys or stuff for the house and not being able to afford it has been difficult, but tolerable. I’m actually, while thinking about it right now, veering towards buying that iMac outright off eBay for $200 or so just to have an inexpensive Mac to use, and deal with buying an iBook later on.

Stuff to take care of Price Time Frame
Paint for living room
Brake work for the Scout
Buying the Scout
Shelves for living room
end of february
Early March
March? Possible Birthday present?
Date posted: February 16, 2002 | Filed under apple, geek, money | Leave a Comment »

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