Hmm. Lots of different things happenning last night and today. Bush gave his address last night to Congress; his words were tough but I still feel that the guy is a wooden puppethead. I wish there was something in his voice that betrayed some form of emotion about everything- he just sounds like he’s trying to read off the TelePrompTer and not screw up the big words. Congress, as expected, applauded after each inflection; I think they were just glad he didn’t mispronounce ‘outraged’ and ‘unilateral’, and clapped in relief. Tom Brokaw, currently walking around with his head up the ass of anybody who fought in dubya-dubya-two, had Stephen Ambrose on to provide commentary, and asked him if he didn’t think that Bush’s address recalled Roosevelt directly after Pearl Harbor. At first, Ambrose didn’t answer, and I secretly hoped Ambrose was thinking, “No, you ignorant twit, Roosevelt was actually a living breathing human being who had an original idea and was elected on merit; this cardboard McPresident gets spoon-fed his opinions like creamed corn every morning.” But it seemed that Ambrose couldn’t hear Brokaw due to faulty sound feed, and when Brokaw repeated the question, Ambrose agreed with him. Oh, well.

Wall Street is selling off stock like they just found out it causes cancer; what the hell are they freaking out about? Yeah, we’re going to war. Yeah, things are different. Yeah, the airlines are in trouble. But anybody who thinks that Boeing isn’t going to be cranking up the production on some kind of new airframe to deliver nasty-looking bombs is smoking crack. Anybody who thinks that the government isn’t going to help out the airlines is shooting heroin. Anybody who thinks that the tech sector isn’t going to bounce back to produce all manner of sneaky devices to kill, maim, snoop on or steal from enemies of the US, whoever they might be, has their head in a pile of blow like Tony Montana in Scarface

Date posted: September 21, 2001 | Filed under politics | Leave a Comment »

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