Today I’m actually doing something interesting- character modelling in 3D Max. We’ll see how far I get in this tutorial today- I’m hoping to do the whole thing if I can. I’m also burning CD’s to give to Jen. The new machine they gave me here has a burner, and it’s about 4 times as fast as mine.

This morning, I locked my house, looked down and found that some jerk had dug out 6 of the geraniums in the pot out in front of my house; these plants being the only reasonably attractive thing in the front of my house, I was very pissed. I replanted them, and they will most assuredly die, but it was annoying. Looked like somebody had pulled them, been caught and dropped them, because they were in a pile on the ground. Perhaps somebody is making a statement about the long-dead spruce in the whisky barrel next to the flowers.

My RAM shipped today- hopefully it’ll be here by Friday. pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease…

4:35PM. [expletives deleted]

This stuff better start making some sense, or recession or not, I’m not staying here to mess with it for long.

Date posted: August 28, 2001 | Filed under design | Leave a Comment »

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