Well, the spring air and pollen have conspired to give me one walloping headache. I took two Advil and it’s dulled back the pain, but it still feels like Hulk is running around inside busting up the joint.

A few things: They convicted that Blanton guy in Alabama for killing the four girls in 1963 church bombing. I have to say it’s heartening to see that civil rights are still being pursued and justice is still being meted out, albeit 40 years too late. It’s hard to look at the pictures of the little girls and think that it took that long to convict somebody-the whole case was a stain on the American legal system.

Last night, I got Jen’s 8100 loaded and running system 8.1; she has Quark, Photoshop, Illustrator, and a suite of utilities to take care of the machine. I was also able to load Vistascan and hook up the scanner; apparently Vistascan doesn’t like OS 9, so I stayed up too late loading OS 8.1 on the 8500. One drawback: I have to reformat the internal drive as an HFS volume instead of HFS+; so I’ll be starting from scratch on that one again. I’m almost thinking it would be better to find a faster, larger drive for it- the OEM 2 gig Quantum it shipped with is a pig.

Got a look at the new iBook from Apple. I’d buy that thing with the CD/RW drive- it’s the perfect price point, size, shape, and suite of features. $1599. Sweet. If I didn’t already have an ahem loan on a Powerbook, I’d fork over some dough now. But it’s May, and they still haven’t called. Shhhh!

OK. Bob Kerrey, as a Navy SEAL in 1968, killed a bunch of people. Doing what he was trained to do: Kill people. Maybe they were killed wrongly, but I suspect they got shot doing what most casualties of war are usually doing: existing in a free-fire zone. Now some guy, most probably with an axe to grind, is claiming Kerrey killed them purposely. And we Americans have the freakin’ nerve to be outraged? This happened 30 years ago, in a war that’s been over for 25. Hundreds of other civilians died every day from US-ordered carpet-bomb strikes, napalm attacks, landmines, and random artillery barrages. Because he returned fire into a village which brought his men under fire, and hit these people, the entire US is currently in the middle of an epileptic seizure. he received a medal for later action, lost part of a leg, and served the country for 20 years. Let the guy alone, for Christ’s sake.

I’d love for Bob Kerrey to say what’s been on my mind ever since I heard about this story: Get over it. War sucks. Killing sucks. But we were there, we did it, and everybody who was involved came away with blood on their hands. And everybody who sits in judgement over Bob Kerrey should be forced to carry an M-16 into someplace like Rwanda or Somalia or Serbia and try to make some sense out of war while they try to stay alive.

Here’s some interesting blather from C|Net about the market I just got out of….

Macs in the cellar:
Mac IIcx | Norman
PowerBook 100 | Junior
PowerBook 520c | Max
Quadra 800
PowerMac 7100/80 | G-Force (MKLinux)
PowerMac 8500/180 | Alpha (now Speedy)
PowerBook G3/500 | Massachussetts (Wk)

Date posted: May 2, 2001 | Filed under apple, geek, general | Leave a Comment »

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