Search Results for: mogwai

I’m happy to see Mogwai have released a new album, and happier still to see Pitchfork (yes! they still exist) gave it a good review. Glad to see my favorite Scottish post-whatever band still going strong, and from what it sounds like, pushing some new boundaries.

Where they once reveled in disrupting ominous quietude with explosive outbursts, these days, they’d rather redirect tense energy into uplifting expression. As such, a band that once offered apocalyptic mayhem has become a source of comforting consistency as the real world turns evermore turbulent.

I was happy to stumble on a $5 copy of Come On Die Young at a secondhand CD store this summer, and definitely need to update/complete my discography.

Date posted: January 23, 2025 | Filed under music | Leave a Comment »

Atomic succeeds because of the band’s willingness to dive into their muse and experiment. It’s why they’ve achieved such high status in the sub-genre.

Consequence of Sound reviews Mogwai’s Atomic.

Date posted: April 5, 2016 | Filed under music, shortlinks | Leave a Comment »

Bliss is at right about 21:30.

Date posted: October 31, 2014 | Filed under music | Leave a Comment »

Check out Mogwai’s Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will. This album is an excellent mix of return to form and pushing the boundaries forward; My favorite standout track is How to Be a Werewolf. Also, the live Special Moves album is like a greatest hits compilation, with feedback.

Date posted: March 14, 2011 | Filed under music | Leave a Comment »

File this under Oh Hell Yes: Mogwai announce new album, with the same producer from Young Team. And, their tour will bring them to the 9:30 Club in April of next year. This is a band I’d love to see live. With earplugs.

Date posted: October 28, 2010 | Filed under music, shortlinks | Leave a Comment »

New Mogwai Album In March.
Good news!

Date posted: November 14, 2005 | Filed under music, shortlinks | Comments Off on New Mogwai Album In March.

Thanks to this Ask MeFi question, I found some recommendations for new music to work by, something I’ve been lacking for the past couple of months. Specifically: Explosions In The Sky and Tulsa Drone.
Addendum: Do Make Say Think. This reminds me of Mogwai in a lot of good ways-solid melody, driving rythym, and just enough detail to keep me interested without drowning out my thought process.

Date posted: January 31, 2007 | Filed under music, shortlinks | Comments Off on Music to Work By.

Our neighbor’s house was broken into this afternoon, while Jen had run out to do errands; apparently some undesirable folks were casing the neighborhood and figured that the house with the unkempt yard would be an easy mark. So I’m doing research on home security companies this evening, in preparation to spend yet more money that we don’t have. All my house-owning, alarm-having peeps, let’s hear it. Who do you like, who don’t you like, and what’s your experience been?

Song Of The Day. Mogwai, Hunted By A Freak.

Date posted: May 12, 2004 | Filed under house, music | Leave a Comment »

(in the tradition of Miss Lis‘ Thursday Three):

Make a list of common albums that every one of your girl/boyfriends owned.

For example, every one of my previous girlfriends owned these albums:

Tears For Fears, Songs From The Big Chair
Sinead O’Connor, The Lion And The Cobra
Tracy Chapman, that album with “Fast Car”
New Order, at least one album (usually Republic)
Peter Gabriel, So
U2, The Joshua Tree

Your list?

Take That, Pop Music. Mogwai, Mogwai Fear Satan. Goddamn, this is good stuff.

Reality Check. On the five-page questionaire the vet sent home with Jen, for Penn’s checkup, there’s a list of four or five questions towards the end, which go something like this:

  1. I am concerned about my animal’s behavior, but do not want to do anything about it.
  2. I am concerned about my animal’s behavior, and want to try something about it, but don’t care what happens either way (I’m paraphrasing here.)
  3. I’m concerned about my animal’s behavior, and want to try something; if it doesn’t work, I’m going to try something else, but I won’t give up my animal.
  4. I’m concerned, and if the treatment doesn’t work, I want to euthanize my animal.

Penn is a good cat at heart, but I had to check the final box. I’m no animal killer, nor PETA member, but I can’t have him hurting the other cats any more. Especially when it looks like he’s doing simply for our attention.

Date posted: April 30, 2004 | Filed under history, music | Leave a Comment »

I’m jamming on some crap that needs to be done by tomorrow at 10, which was assigned to me yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, the iTunes release for Windows is out this afternoon. I was able to snag a copy and I’m currently streaming some Mogwai from my PC to the Mac. (there seems to be some issue with the PC loading the Mac’s library, although I can see the Mac library in the iTunes window.) Right the hell on.

Art History. The Art Speigelman lecture last night was fantastic; after waiting through two boring introductions by the UB folks, he lit up a Camel Light and began talking about everything from comics history to the Jewish experience in America to his personal experience at Groud Zero on September 11 (his daughter’s school was at the base of the WTC). He showed slides from an iBook and stepped through his current work, explaining his reasons for leaving The New Yorker and embarking on a new series of work dealing with his post September 11 experiences. Unfortunately they weren’t allowing autographs, so I couldn’t get Maus signed, but he talked for two hours and answered numerous questions with a quick wit and passion for his craft. Jen and I left feeling energized, inspired, and educated.

Angry. To the nice lady who tried to pull the Baltimore Merge (when somebody drives up the median past all the folks waiting patiently in line and then tries to bull in at the front) on me yesterday in the middle of Catonsville: honking the horn of your Rendezvous and flipping me the bird for two solid minutes doesn’t faze me. Take a Lithium or something before you have a coronary, dumbass.

Date posted: October 16, 2003 | Filed under apple, art/design, music | Leave a Comment »